Mobile operating systems market shares

With the rise of smartphones and the constant evolution of technology, the rivalry between iOS, Android and Windows becomes more and more intense. The market shares for each operating system vary inventively depending on several factors.

Mobile operating system market growth forecast in 2024

According to recent reports smartphone sales have increased, driven by the growing adoption of 5G and the new iPhone. This is thought-provoking about the mobile operating system growth forecast for 2024.

Android gets a head start

Between Android and iOS, competition is fierce. However, it seems that Android is taking a head start by becoming the number 2 mobile OS according to a Gartner analysis. It should be noted that in France, the success of the iPhone allowed Apple to grow by 4.2%. Furthermore, the meteoric rise of HarmonyOS makes it a potential competitor that could even supplant iOS in China.

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The fall of Windows Phone

Concerning Windows, the situation is rather delicate. Windows Phone sales have fallen drastically, indicating a decline in Microsoft’s mobile operating system. Whether this is a disaster or a strategy remains a matter of debate among market analysts.

Impact of Apple’s new rules on advertising

Beyond growth forecasts, Apple’s new policies have a considerable impact on the market. For example, recent changes to advertising regulations have seriously affected Criteo, a leading digital advertising company turned unicorn.

ARM processors and the laptop market

The evolution of mobile operating systems is having a snowball effect on other segments of the technology market. ARM processors, commonly used in mobile devices, are predicted to account for 25% of the laptop market by 2028.

Samsung dominates the global smartphone market

When it comes to the smartphone market, Samsung establishes itself as the global leader for the third quarter of 2023. This success strengthens the position of Android, the operating system on which most Samsung smartphones run.

Detailed market share comparison between iOS, Android and Windows in 2024

discover the market shares forecast for 2024 for ios, android and windows mobile operating systems.

2024 marks a new era for mobile operating systems. Being equipped with a good operating system has become an essential necessity to guarantee the security and efficiency of our devices. With iOS, Android And Windows as major players in the market, a comparative analysis of their market share is necessary.

iOS supremacy on the market at the end of 2022 and 2023

At the end of 2022, theApple iPhone achieved a feat by rising to first place in the global mobile operating system market. A remarkable performance that demonstrates the excellence of Apple technology and its ability to meet the needs of modern users.

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Android, the strength of accessibility

The attraction ofAndroid comes from its ability to offer a versatile operating system accessible on a variety of devices, its openness and compatibility with many mobile devices has allowed Android to maintain a significant market share over the years.

Windows, the underestimated potential

The mobile operating system Windows has a smaller market share compared to iOS and Android. However, let’s not forget its capabilities, in particular its fluid integration with the Microsoft ecosystem, which could well allow it to surprise in the future.

Security and voice assistants, the new fronts of competition

The year 2024 also saw the advent of new trends, of which security and artificial intelligence are the highlights. Likewise, the voice assistants have established themselves as a new axis of competition between these technological giants, opening a new path towards the future of the human-machine interface.

Factors influencing the market shares of iOS, Android and Windows

The mobile operating system market is multifactorial and constantly evolving. The market share between iOS, Android and Windows is largely influenced by several factors, including technological innovation, accessibility, AI integration, consumer preferences, L’application ecosystem, the price, among others.

Market share forecasts in 2024: iOS

Apple’s iOS has always been a leader in innovation and design. However, despite high-quality products, the high price of Apple devices is likely to hamper its growth in emerging markets. On the other hand, optimized AI integration could boost Apple’s market share.

Market share forecasts in 2024: Android

Android, due to its flexibility and accessibility, currently has a large market share. The variety of Android devices available at various prices has promoted its acceptance worldwide. This could be a long-term benefit for Google, but greater fragmentation could be both a blessing and a curse.

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Market share forecasts in 2024: Windows

Windows Mobile has long been an underdog in the operating system wars. However, Microsoft is investing heavily in research and development to regain its share of the pie. With good AI integration and an improved application ecosystem, Windows could surprise in 2024.

It is clear that the mobile operating system market will continue to evolve and adapt to new technologies and consumer preferences. It’s a delicate balancing act between continuous innovation, understanding consumers and adapting to market dynamics. Either way, it looks like 2024 will be another exciting year for the world of mobile operating systems.

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